AloeTherapy Fuerteventura
30,000 m2 dedicated to the cultivation, extraction and transformation of the pulp, which is made only with fresh leaves in a cold process, which guarantees the quality and purity of this precious gel.
Aloe properties
What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe Family:
Aloe is a phanerogam plant (they produce flowers), of the liliaceae family within the group of aloines (they produce aloin), with approximately 280 categories and almost 3,700 species, such as garlic, onion, tulip, asparagus, etc.
The name of Aloe:
The word Aloe is the Latin version of the Arabic word alloeh, in Syrian alwai or in Hebrew halal which means "bitter bright substance", which refers to the presence of the sap, the bitter yellowish extract found in the small gutters, under the thick skin of the leaf. It is the sap that has the healing properties.
In the past, it was extracted and boiled until a thick paste was obtained, it was allowed to cool and it was packed in wooden boxes to harden it. In this way, it was exported and marketed, above all, for its laxative effects, caused by the aloin content, which can be between 7 and 25% depending on the species.
Aloin can have side effects such as colic or contractions of the uterus.
Different species of Aloe
There are around 300 different species but only a few are recognized in the pharmaceutical industry. These are Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller), Aloe Perryi Baker (Aloe Soccotrina), and Aloe Africana Miller (Aloe Ferox Miller). There are two other species of Aloe that are used in medicine: Aloe Sinensis Baker and Aloe Arborescens, which are highly appreciated by Russian doctors.
Aloe Vera Linne: Aloe Vera is the species most used for the production of medicinals. The name Vera comes from the Latin "verae" and means "true". Aloe Barbadensis Miller or Aloe Vera is considered the authentic medicinal Aloe, that is, the one that contains the most important healing properties.
It is supposed to have been exported to America by the Jesuits, via the Canary Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas and Florida. It reached the island of Barbados before 1650, from where it was exported to Aruba, Bonnaire, Curacao and the north coast of South America.
In the 17th century the English exploited Barbados crops en masse and commercialized Aloe in powder form.
Today Aloe is widespread in many warm regions of the world and is also grown indoors. The plant can reach a height of 80 to 90 cm., It has a yellow flower and fleshy leaves, serrated at their edges in the shape of a triangle that grow from the center outwards. The leaves in the center reach a height of 40 to 50 cm and can be 6 to 8 cm wide.
The reproduction of the plant happens via seed germination (insects and birds help in pollination), or by transplanting the children that are born from the base of the plant.
In some of the species (such as Aloe Vera) it is also possible to cut a leaf and plant it directly in the ground. The leaf produces roots and the plant develops normally. Although Aloe Vera is a tropical plant, it can withstand cold air temperatures, as long as the soil does not freeze and destroy the root.
Withstands cold temperatures up to 5ºC and hot temperatures up to 50ºC and can survive severe droughts. It also thrives in humid jungles ..
How is Aloe Vera grown ??
The methods of production and extraction of medicinal Aloe developed over centuries. The Arabs used to trample the leaves to extract the pulp, they let it dry in the sun and kept it in special bags, made of goat leather, until they obtained its resin.
On the island of Soccotra, the Aloe leaves were dried until a powder was obtained, in Jamaica the leaves were boiled to obtain a highly concentrated extract, while the slaves of Barbados collected the drops of extract from freshly cut leaves and later they boiled it until obtaining a paste.
Today we can say that the most effective method is the cold process. The gel gained from the inside of the leaf is stored in barrels and vitamin C, E and sorbitol are added to prevent oxidation. In this way, the gel is completely stable and can be kept for up to two years in opaque bottles without losing its therapeutic properties. Once opened, the bottle should be kept cold and the product should be used within the next two months.
General Use
Not many of the plants are as well known or appreciated as the Aloe Vera plant. Throughout history it has been used to beautify the skin and heal it, in addition to helping heal burns and wounds ..
It is frequently used as a hydrating ingredient in cosmetic and hair care products. Above all, it accelerates the process of healing burns and superficial skin wounds. Topical application has been an effective treatment for sunburns, frostbite, radiation, injuries, dermatitis, psoriasis, wounds, insect bites, gangrene, ulcers, abrasion and other dermatological problems.
The healing process is produced by anti-inflammatory components, including various glycoproteins and salicylates and substances that stimulate the regrowth of the skin and its connective tissues. Aloe Vera contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for healing, such as vitamin C, E, and zinc. It also has antibacterial and antifungal effects to prevent wound infection.
Studies show that it is more active against numerous common skin-infesting bacteria than antiseptic silver sulfate. Contains moisturizing and pain-relieving properties for skin lesions along with healing effects.
Aloe Vera sap is also suitable for internal use. There is evidence that it has a beneficial effect in the case of ulcers, inhibiting the causative bacterium Hellcobacter Pylori. Apparently it has a calming effect on the ulcer and interferes with the release of hydrochloric acid from the stomach.
Colitis and other intestinal symptoms can also respond favorably to internal use of the juice. Aloe Vera is known to exert a stabilizing effect on blood sugars, indicating a positive effect in the treatment of diabetes. One study indicates that Aloe Vera extract improves asthma symptoms and other studies show that the juice has positive effects in preventing kidney stones and calming effects for arthritic pain.